Sunday 29 June 2008

Leonardo DiCaprio Finally Ends Legal Woes

Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio has finally settled his legal woes over a basketball court in the back of his house.
The Titanic star had landed himself in trouble when he started building the court at the Hollywood Hills home he rents off his cousin Robert Hrtica.
Neighbours Ronald and Joan Linclau sued the pair last May for allegedly causing damage to their property.
The Linclaus alleged DiCaprio "maliciously" cut and removed hedges; excavated "earth, granite and bedrock", destabilising their deck and swimming pool; and ignored their repeated requests to halt the 2004 construction.
They attempted to sue for trespass, nuisance and negligence and sought $250,000 in compensation.
But the legal dispute has now been solved according to a notice of settlement filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court on Thursday.